
Hi Pals,

As I close in on another year in my cozy little apartment, it’s got me thinking. When I moved out of my parents’ house, I knew this would be the last time I was moving out. There was something so permanent about it even though I’ve lived so many other places than that home.

This whole “growing up” thing is very odd. At what point do I stop feeling like I’m trying to be an adult? I pay my own bills, have my own apartment, do my own grocery shopping and plan my own meals. I have a great job at an awesome company and even recently got promoted. When am I officially an “adult”?


My loving mama recently sent me an article that shows the difference between when millennials feel that they have officially become an adult. Is it when you move out? Is it when you get your first full time job? Is it when you buy your first car? Get married? Have a kid? While we try to define this, the real answer is that it is different for everyone. Take a look at that article here — it has some easy infographics for you to get the main points!


I felt that although this is a fairly brief post, I wanted to write it to share my thoughts with anyone out there who might feel “behind the ball” or confused or even just like they’re faking being an adult. Well guys, fake it ’til you make it. You are the master of your own life! Nobody has it all figured out even if they pretend to.


Sending lots of love and #adulting vibes your way,

Paige xx

One thought on “#adulting

  1. Courtney says:

    Haha this is exactly how I feel! Like a Semi-Adult. (Cause I do have a credit card in my name and my paycheck shows I pay taxes 😂) Thx for sharing.


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